Truly Constructible
Tekla® 2019
The new Tekla Structures 2019 offers enhancements, improvements and new features to boost productivity and create smoother workflows. With enhancements for drawing production, rebar detailing, steel, cast-in-place and precast concrete, structural engineering design and collaboration, the latest version of Tekla Structures is intended to make your work easier and faster. Tekla Structural Designer 2019 and Tekla Tedds 2019 have also been further developed for better flexibility and integration with Tekla Structures.
Choose and learn the new features by product and topic
Drawing Improvements
Clone selected: Productivity gains in repetitive GA drawing annotation, linework styles and dimensioning
We’ve made it easier than ever to create general arrangement drawings. When working with GA drawings, you can now clone annotations such as dimensions, marks and linework styles from one area of the drawing to another. Formatting, annotations, dimensions, line styles and content are all reproduced and adapted to new shapes, making your documentation task significantly easier and faster. It is ideal for drawings with a lot of repetitive structures, such as foundation plans, anchor plans, rebar placement drawings or elevation drawings.
“A very useful tool. It will help to shorten the time spent doing drawings.”
User Feedback Program quote
Align drawing views in cloning
Creating shop drawings with the cloning functionality is now faster thanks to the more intelligent handling of drawing views. When drawing views are aligned in a source drawing, the views in cloned drawings are automatically aligned, significantly reducing the need for manual editing work and improving the quality. This saves your time, especially when cloning assembly and precast shop drawings, in which aligned views provide better readability.
Dimension point associativity
You can now specify exactly which objects dimensions points should follow. Your drawing dimensions will update correctly with changes in the model and improves the reliability of drawing cloning.
“I think this will help with drawing cloning.”
User Feedback Program quote
Enhanced drawing content manager
You can now meet office standards for documents more quickly thanks to extra information in the drawing content manager, which helps to check, mark and stylize the drawing.
Easier cleanup with aligning marks to point
You can easily clean up your drawings to achieve office standard drawings faster by quickly aligning marks.
“This function is very useful and for sure will save a lot of time during erection drawing preparation!”
User Feedback Program quote
Increased support for a wider variety of BIM objects
Thanks to import item improvements, you can now import a wider variety of object formats as items and use them in drawings. Non-solid items are now also visible in detail and section views.
Easier project layout with new radial grids and construction objects
We’ve developed productivity-boosting geometry improvements, which eliminate the need for workarounds to describe a curving structure. You can now create true curved grids, such as radial and polar grids. The new construction arc and polycurve make layout of additional details easier and faster.
“I find radial grid so user friendly that I think even a Tekla beginner could learn quickly how to use it.”
User Feedback Program quote
Enhanced Layout Editing
You can now more easily create office standard drawing sheets with drawings and tables. Just place and drag table templates to quickly create a drawing layout with tables or schedules, saving time and improving productivity.
Introducing Revit Geometry Export
Revit Export, a new extension that offers greater flexibility, enables Tekla users to participate in projects in which the client specifies .rvt files. If IFC is unacceptable, you can work on projects using .rvt files to share model data.
Easier management of IFC reference model geometric changes
We’ve developed improvements for IFC change management. You can now set tolerances to reduce the unnecessary flagging of insignificant changes, and better information helps you more clearly understand the nature of geometric changes (e.g., whether the center of gravity has moved).
More intuitive placing items tool
In Tekla Structures 2019, we’ve simplified the use of imported items, and inserting items such as concrete embeds to an exact location, angle and position in the model is now easier and faster. You can intuitively control orientation and rotation when adding items directly, with the help of direct manipulation handles and interactive preview, which in the past was only possible for items that were a part of custom components. This update makes accurate modeling more efficient, especially when working with cast-in-place concrete structures.
Customizable labels in model views
When visualizing model object labels in model views, you’ll now have better control over which object properties are shown. You can more quickly create visual reports and communicate required information with the model, as well as check model information more easily. To control what is shown, simply select the option to show the desired label, such as weight or position number, for only the main parts or for the main parts of selected objects.
New Trimble Connect Visualizer extension for rendering and animation
As a Tekla Structures user you can now realistically render and animate even the largest structural models to communicate the design intent for more informed decision making.
Trimble Connect Visualizer extends Tekla Structures functionality adding value to existing constructible models. You can enhance sales and project presentations with compelling, descriptive content that demonstrates design and building options. You can clearly communicate the structural strategy for feedback from the widest stakeholder audience to drive productivity and project quality gains.
What's new in Tekla Structures 2019 for Bridge Designers
Bridge designers need advanced digital tools to be able to create BrIM (Bridge Information Modeling) content in order to meet client requirements and become more competitive in the bridges market
Bridge Creator extension to improve the workflow
Bridge Creator is a new extension developed for bridge designers. It is meant to make the early phase of workflow faster and easier. If you find it challenging to produce accurate 3D models for some road alignments where varying superelevation result in complex bridge decks, then this is a perfect tool for you.
The new Bridge Designer role for productive work
In version 2019 there will be a new Bridge Designer role that gives access to a customized ribbon menu consisting the tools relevant to boost bridge design productivity, such as Beam Extruder, Concrete Bridge Reinforcement, and the new Bridge Creator extension.
STAAD link updated
We’ve updated the link between Tekla Structures and STAAD. Structural engineers working with the latest version of STAAD (v8i ss6) can now send and receive critical project information to Tekla Structures more efficiently, with less duplicated work, less double data entry and less risk of mistakes.
Enhancements for precast concrete
The design-to-cost tool enables faster value engineering
With this new extension, you can use unit cost as a design parameter in the conceptual design phase. This makes it significantly faster to do value engineering, compare different alternative designs and find the most cost-effective precast solution working in the Tekla model environment. You can define the unit costs for different element types in the model using customizable parameters, and Tekla automatically calculates the cost levels for selected elements, which can be reported and shown as labels in the model. Because you can immediately see the cost impact of the changes in the model, you can more easily find the most economical precast solution for your projects.
Double Wall Details enhancements
We’ve further developed the toolset that automates modeling and detailing workflows for double wall structures. The latest version of this extension, which was introduced in early 2018, allows more data-rich model content out of the box and offers improvements for more flexible and user-friendly working.
Improvements for Half Slab Reinforcement detailing toolset
The Half Slab Reinforcement tool lets you automatically add optimized, detailed reinforcing and braced girders to half slab floors. The toolset automates numerous repetitive detailing steps so that you can create the information you need, efficiently and error-free. First introduced last year as an extension, we’ve further developed the toolset for even more efficient detailing workflows with precast half slab floors.
Model to production data export enhancements
New development for precast production data exports now support wider workflows and more comprehensive data content can be automatically included. Among many other upgrades, the following enhancements for data export from model to precast production systems come available with the latest versions.
- BVBS format now supports circular and spiraling rebar
- Unitechnik’s UT export enables exporting unfolded mesh with cut and bend rebar, offers support for transportation data, and automatically recognizes when rebar doesn't match production machine requirements
- Data exports for sandwich walls and double walls are improved when using UT format. Unitechnik UXML and Progress PXML exports now also support double walls.
- With PXML export auto-orienting, bent and unfolded meshes and electric tube handling has been improved
Enhancements for Cast-in-place concrete construction
Pour Unit improvements
We’ve upgraded the Pour Unit, making pour information management more flexible and robust. Now it’s more efficient to manually control the model content included in this information management unit for cast-in-place concrete. Formwork, rebar and concrete accessories attached to pour geometry are automatically added to pour unit when it is created, but in some cases, some manual work is also needed to ensure that pour unit content responds to real-life needs. Now you can just select everything you want to include and add your selection to the Pour Unit in one go.
Complete formwork drawings and reporting out of the box
In Tekla Structures 2019, a set of default attributes are written automatically on all formwork items. You can use general formwork attributes to manage formwork items, independent from the formwork supplier or formwork system in use. Default filter, Organizer and drawing settings for formwork allow easier information management and control over formwork items in the model. This means you won’t need to separately create settings for filtering, model views, and drawings, making creating formwork drawings faster and easier out of the box.
Default settings are included in default environment of Tekla Structures 2019 and can also be downloaded from Tekla Warehouse
Latest version for Formwork Placing Tools – Walls goes deeper to details
New features in the latest version let you more efficiently create accurately-detailed formwork models, and allow more complete material reports and drawings. Now you can automatically add formwork fillers used between formwork panels with several layers to full height, and when adding formwork ties, you can configure spacer tubes to also be included. You can also automatically add accessories directly when placing the panels, for more efficient modeling of formwork accessories in general.
Faster column formwork modeling
We’ve further developed Formwork Placing tools – Walls, to better support formwork modeling with columns. You can now create one column condition that works for different column sizes, and the correct size of column panels and accessories can be automatically placed according to column geometry.
Better productivity with Formwork Placing Tools – Slabs
We’ve enhanced girder placement, making it more realistic, as well as optimized girder usage. When placing formwork panels with the slab tool, you can now automatically add accessories such as girders directly with the panels.
You can now place girders or shoring prop items under any vertical object, which allows using this tool also in workflows with prefabricated steel and precast concrete structures.
Introducing Shape Cleaner
In Tekla Structures 2018 and 2018i, we introduced many performances and quality improvements to imported shapes, which greatly increased efficiency when working with large formwork models and models with many imported items in general. Shape Cleaner is a new tool that allows you to take full advantage of these improvements, even when working with older project models. You’ll no longer need to re-import the original shapefiles for the items to be able to benefit from the improvements made in previous versions.
More flexible steel modeling
More flexibility for modeling bent plates
You can now more easily model sections of pipes or cones. For example, you can model just the radial or conical bend sections and then unfold them in drawings and CNC.
“It is the perfect command for spiral forms as well. You can build parts of spiral staircases in case that the staircase has different radius and so doesn't close a 360° radius.”
User Feedback Program quote
New staircase tool for intuitive detailing
The new straight staircase tool offers faster, more flexible modeling for staircases. Its in-context controls provide instant feedback so that you can detail staircases quickly and easily, without guesswork.
“The functionality is great. I agree that will improve the speed of the modeling, and it will make the job more fun!”
User Feedback Program quote
Better support for mechanical fasteners
Self tapping screws, site drilled holes, nails and more are now easy to model with a new option to specify when no hole should be created in parts by bolt objects. Specifying that no hole is needed makes it simple to work with pre-punched parts, field located holes, and screws without affecting shipping marks or fabrication, and still delivering accurate quantities from the model.
Improved collaboration
Automate collaboration and enhance your 3D model with drawing information
Using the Linking Documents to the Trimble Connect tool, you can automatically share the model with in-context documentation with the whole project team.
You can enhance your 3D data with drawing annotations, such as marks, dimensions and more. You also have the option to export drawings into a 3D DWG model space for overlay on the model.
- Share project documents with a wider team, including the owner, contractor, engineer, workshop, site and more
- Enable document look-up from the 3D model
- Overlay 2D information on the 3D model for easy checking, validation, and communication
Tekla Model Sharing
Change management is even more robust
To reduce unnecessary and unexpected changes in the model we have removed conflicting modifications from Read in function for part cuts, site bolts, add parts, edge chamfers, site welds, shop welds, polygon welds, and subassemblies.
With control for drawings, you can now identify changes to drawings and revert to a previous version. Any unintentional changes by another user are now easy to see and handle. We also improved numbering handling to reduce the need to update the drawings.

Expand use of Model Sharing with the brand new sharing service
Tekla Structures 2019 is the first version using the next generation sharing service (v2.0) that provides you with a solid growth path to expand your use of Model Sharing. We have renewed the service architecture and Azure services components to ensure the solid service.

Getting started is easier
Shared Models tab in the start screen makes it easier for new users to find shared models. When joining in the new projects A Check For Regional Settings helps new users on selecting compatible regional settings on Windows.
The eLearning lesson and training video clips for basic use will make it easy and fast for the new Model Sharing users to get productive with their projects.
New features for steel fabrication
Trimble Connect replaces model-based viewer
The new, advanced model-based viewer lets you share models via the Trimble Connect platform, and view on mobile. For estimating and production control, you can colorize the model based on status information, such as material status, production status, shipping status and more.
Tekla EPM: A new name and new look for FabSuite
The 2019 release of FabSuite is rebranded to Tekla EPM (Estimating and Production Management) which is the core of the new Tekla PowerFab subscription offering for the steel fabricators. We’ve also developed a fresh new user interface, which better represents the Tekla software experience. All the same functionalities in a new package!
What's new webinar (@31min Tekla EPM new features and introduction to Tekla PowerFab)
More flexibility with Core Walls
Creating concrete cores is now simpler and more flexible. The new Core Walls features allow you to connect individual shear walls to form core walls, enhancing real-world simulation and constructible core wall modeling.
Wall result lines
We’ve further improved the design of walls with openings. You can now use result lines to determine design forces with which you can do your own wall designs with openings.
Improved interoperability
Thanks to the new automatic export of global offsets, improved beam end and splice forces and enhanced export for column bases and beam ends, you can eliminate manual tasks and enhance data interoperability with Tekla Structures and Autodesk Revit.
Enhanced Tekla product alignment
To align interface, usability and experience across the Tekla product portfolio for users of Tekla Structural Designer, Tekla Tedds and Tekla Structures, we’ve developed several enhancements.
- Side Pane gives access to TUA content, Forum Posts and Product Bulletins from within the product
- Support Tool gives access to local support
- ATC Login
- Online Help Viewer
Tekla Tedds integration with Tekla Structures
To make design management easier for users of both Tekla products, this link allows Tedds calculations to be associated with the Tekla Structures model.
Create professional PDFs from Tedds Calculations
You can now create professional PDFs from Tedds calculations, for even more professional BIM design documentation.