Retaining walls

Retaining wall analysis and design
This retaining wall calculation for both Eurocode and USA reliably checks the analysis, or analysis and design of cast-in-place reinforced concrete or masonry retaining walls. The wall stem may be either cantilevered or propped and may feature either stepped or inclined faces. The retaining wall base may also be propped. Masonry stem design includes unreinforced as well as pocket, hollow or cavity reinforced masonry options.
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Gabion retaining wall analysis and design
This retaining wall Eurocode calculation checks the stability of a gabion retaining wall against sliding and overturning, and determines the maximum and minimum base pressures beneath the wall.
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Cast-in-place reinforced concrete wall design
This reinforced concrete wall Eurocode calculation quickly checks the design of braced and unbraced, slender and non-slender walls. You can use the calculation in three ways: 1. To check the capacity of the specified wall against the specified axial load (including tension) and minor axis end moments. 2. To produce the interaction diagram about the minor axis for the specified wall. 3. To determine the design bending moments for the specified wall, axial load and end moments.
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Precast concrete wall design
This precast concrete wall design Eurocode calculation checks the design of braced and unbraced, slender and non-slender precast walls. The calculation allows for the design of a single precast reinforced concrete unit. Two separate lifting checks are included.
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Timber stud design
This timber stud Eurocode calculation quickly checks the design of a solid wood or glulam stud subjected to uniformly distributed loads and point loads. Permanent, imposed and wind loads can be defined depending on which load duration you select. The studs may be braced in the weaker axis by a suitable sheathing fixed to one or both faces, or by the use of dwangs tied into a bracing system or support.
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Timber frame racking panel design
Tedds supports frame racking panel design with both Eurocode and USA calculations. The Eurocode calculation efficiently determines the structural shear capacity of a sheathed frame wall panel in platform timber frame buildings acting as elements of a lateral wind force resisting system. The design is in accordance with the design provision contained within the Published Document 6693-1:2012, UK Non-Contradictory Complementary Information to Eurocode 5: Design of Timber Structures.
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Wood member design (NDS)
When you link Tedds to Tekla Structural Designer, you can design wood members according to the National Design Specification for wood construction.
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Masonry wall panel design
This wall panel Eurocode calculation quickly checks the design of masonry wall panels and sub panels of single-leaf or cavity wall construction, either with or without bed joint reinforcement and with or without masonry piers, subjected to horizontal and/or vertical loading.
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Masonry bearing design
This bearing design Eurocode calculation effectively checks the bearing design of concentrated vertical loads and allows multiple loads to be applied to a single masonry wall panel. The calculation quickly checks the localized bearing resistance of the masonry directly beneath the load and will determine if a spreader is required. The spreader can be designed as either a concrete padstone or a steel spreader plate.
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