Project description
The Cível & Criminal Fórum of Porto Velho city is a new Rondonia State Judicial government building. The 10-story building has about 1.2 tons of steel, steeldeck slab, thermal and acoustic wall façade and 16,000 square meters. Castilho Estruturas has been contracted to develop the steel detailing project in 60 days and 180 days for the fabrication.
Challenges and success factors
The biggest challenge was the tight schedule of 180 days for the project conclusion. Tekla helped us with its fast and powerful steel detailing and management features on fabrication and construction site.
BIM, Tekla Software and Trimble
We are using Trimble Connect with the project participants. It is a great tool that allows us to connect with the construction site in real time. It is very important for the exchange of information and follow-up of the construction phase.
Project in numbers
The 10-story building has about 1.2 tons of steel and 16,000 square meters.
About the company
Castilho Estruturas is a steel structure fabrication company for small and large projects. It was founded in 1990 in Pimenta Bueno – Rondonia State. Castilho differentiates from others because it applies the latest software and machine technologies available for steel construction.