The end user of the oil refinery situated in Kilpilahti, Porvoo and ordered by Neste Jacobs, will be Finnish Neste Oyj. The new isomerization unit converts current light naphtha streams into high-quality gasoline component.
In addition to steel structures; foundations, cable channels, grates, and ladders were all modeled with Tekla. Cooperation with other design disciplines (layout and process) was smooth using exchange models. Constantly updated 3D models were used as source information, and drawings were merely used as support in the process. Designing the joints of fire-proof composite structures was one of the specialties of the project. Concrete and reinforcing bars continue seamlessly throughout the composite area and thus guarantee excellent fire resistance. All reinforcements including rebar lists were designed and produced with Tekla. All installation holes needed for reinforcement were designed in advance, and the reinforcing bars were virtually inserted to those in the model to ensure that they fit on site. Tekla BIMSight software was used on the construction site for model support.