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Tekla Model Sharing - makes remote work safe & practical for all your precast projects

Times have changed from the days where the entire project team would sit in the same office and work together. Today a number of construction & engineering professionals & organizations are working out of a variety of locations, spread across geographies.

To help you to maintain continuity in your Tekla projects and to work with ease without having to worry about license activations/de-activations & transfers, we are scheduling this brief workshop on our innovative, patented, collaboration platform - Tekla Model Sharing.

Tekla Model Sharing enables project teams to work on the same Tekla model at the same time, without fear of their work colliding.

Thanks to its innovative and patented workflow, Tekla Model Sharing only saves the design changes made, rather than the whole model, making it easy to use over VPN connections as it does not transfer large amounts of data – great for those working from home or any other remote locations.


Date: Tuesday, June 14th, 2022
Time: 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Join this LIVE Tekla BIMeet to learn how you can make the best use of Tekla Model Sharing and:

  • Continue to support your business by bringing people together for projects, easily & flexibly, regardless of their location
  • Collaborate with high security & performance. Tekla Model Sharing is built from ground up with security as the priority & on highly secure Microsoft Azure cloud platform
  • Save time by working simultaneously on projects
  • Reduce errors by sharing all relevant information in real-time
  • Manage access rights to the model, working securely with everyone in the project (subcontractors do not need to access your company network)

Bonus: If you haven’t already tried Tekla Model Sharing, you can avail 10 free trial licenses for a period of ninety (90) days. Join the webinar to learn how.

Swata Sarkar, Trimble

Swata Sarkar
Marketing Executive, Trimble

Jagdish Wani, Trimble

Jagdish Wani
Sr. Product Specialist,