Connection design
In addition to working closely with our steel connection design partners both locally and globally, Tedds can help with simple connection design for steel, precast concrete, and timber structures.

Simple steel connection design
This simple steel connection Eurocode calculation enables fast analysis and connection design of beam to beam and beam to column steel connections by quickly checking the connection for shear and tying design forces. The calculation automatically sizes the connection for the given beam sizes.
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Column base plate design
This column base plate Eurocode calculation checks the design of a column base plate for shear, moments, and compressive and tensile axial forces. The calculation also includes an anchor design check for proprietary metal anchor data from manufacturers' European Technical Approval (ETA), which is checked for tension and shear forces as appropriate.
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Precast concrete grouted sleeve design
This Eurocode calculation for precast concrete grouted sleeve design checks the anchorage length of projecting bars in the splice section according to the bonding conditions. A column to column, column to foundation, or beam to column joint can be defined.
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Timber connection design
For timber connection Eurocode, this calculation quickly determines the load carrying capacity of timber/wood connections using metal dowel-type fasteners.
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Steel beam splice design
This Eurocode splice connection calculation formed using either flange plates or end plates checks the adequacy between two identical steel sections, subject to bending, axial and shear forces. The flange plates can be located either external or internal to the flange and the end plates can ether be flush or extended top or bottom.
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Steel column splice design
The Steel column splice design calculation to the Eurocode checks bearing and non-bearing cover plates, and end plates, and checks the splice connection for moments and axial forces, and structural integrity (tying force). (222) Watch the video in TUA
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Steel hollow section tension only splice design
The Eurocode calculation checks the design of a hollow section splice with end plates for tension axial forces only.
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Steel to concrete connection
The Eurocode calculation checks the design of a simply supported beam connected to an embedded plate via a welded fin plate, for shear and tying design forces.
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