Foundation design

Footing analysis and design
Tedds supports analysis and design of footings for Eurocode and USA. These calculations quickly check the analysis and design, or analysis only, of a pad or strip foundation in reinforced or plain concrete.
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Pile analysis
To speed up foundation design time, this pile analysis calculation for both Eurocode and USA, does a static analysis of the resistance capacity of single piles, driven or drilled, in multiple geomaterial strata. Steel, concrete, or timber piles can be analyzed for compressive and tensile axial loads and lateral loads. Lateral load analysis is for short rigid piles only.
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RC Pile cap design
This pile cap calculation for both Eurocode and USA, checks the design of pile caps supporting a single column with up to 9 piles. The column may be subject to axial compression or tension, shear loads, and biaxial bending. Possible load cases include permanent, imposed, snow and wind for all load types. Permanent and imposed surcharge loads may be defined. Steel, concrete or timber piles can be defined with compression, tension, and shear capacity. Defined capacities are compared to analysis results.
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RC raft foundation design
This Eurocode calculation checks the ability of elements of a raft to support various loading arrangements without exceeding the allowable bearing pressure. The calculation also determines the quantities of reinforcement required to support the loads whilst spanning over theoretical circular depressions in the sub-soil assumed to form beneath the raft.
Watch the video in TUA
Steel sheet piling design
This calculation for steel sheet piling design Eurocode and USA checks the stability of either a cantilever or a propped/tied steel sheet pile wall. It determines the required minimum embedment length and then calculates the minimum required plastic section modulus per meter run of wall. The calculation will determine the tie/prop force where appropriate.
Watch the video at TUA