Structural load analysis

Wind loading
This wind loading calculation for Eurocode and USA determines the net wind pressures and net forces on the walls and roofs of a building that is rectangular in plan. The roof shape can be a flat roof with either sharp, curved, mansard or parapet eaves, and a monopitch, duopitch, or hipped roof.
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Snow loading
This snow calculation for Eurocode and USA determines the undrifted and drifted (where applicable) snow loads on flat, monopitch, duopitch, multispan and cylindrical roofs as well as roofs abutting taller buildings.
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Seismic loading
The seismic forces calculations to satisfy USA codes allows: 1. Quick calculation of story and diaphragm forces. 2. Fast computation of seismic forces based on the equivalent lateral force procedure.
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Rolling load analysis
This rolling load calculation undertakes the analysis of a continuous beam with unlimited spans and a load train with unlimited wheel point loads. The beam self-weight can be included or excluded from the analysis. An optional beam UDL can be applied.
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RC nib design
This cast-in-place concrete calculation checks the design of a reinforced concrete nib subject to vertical and horizontal forces.
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Timber racking loads
The calculation determines the racking forces to be resisted by timber frame panels at each floor, for lateral wind loads on the walls and panels of a multi-storey building that is rectangular in plan and has a flat roof, monopitch roof, duopitch roof or hipped roof.
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