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What is Tekla Structures and why would I use it?

Tekla Structures multi-material BIM

Better known for its steel detailing capabilities Tekla Structures is actually material agnostic. It's a powerful software tool for 3D modelling and outputting information for fabrication. For example, in Tekla Structures you don't need to do your own assemblies, it's fully automated with cutting instructions and drawings for fabrication far superior to those of the competition.

We asked someone with no experience of Tekla Structures to sit down with Craig Johnson, Account Executive at Trimble, and ask the most basic questions regarding the software. If you want to understand what Tekla Structures is all about, this interview is set to answer all your questions!

  1. What is Tekla Structures?
  2. Who is it for?
  3. What does it do?
  4. Why use Tekla Structures?
  5. What features does Tekla Structures have?
  6. Why is there a Tekla Tedds integrator to Tekla Structures?
  7. Why does Tekla Structural Designer integrate with Tekla Structures?
  8. About the trial
  9. How easy is it to use Tekla Structures?
  10. What's included in a Tekla Structures subscription?
  11. Watch the video blog

Think Tekla Structures could be of use to your company? Why not try the Tekla Structures trial. The trial is free and you have 30 days to see if it's for you, you'll also have access to our eLearning courses to help you on your way!

What is Tekla Structures?

Tekla Structures is 3D BIM software for modelling structures. With Tekla Structures you can create, combine, manage and distribute accurate multi-material models full of construction information. You can use Tekla Structures for design, detailing and information management from conceptual planning to fabrication and construction on-site.

Who is it for?

Tekla Structures is used by structural engineers, designers, detailers, fabricators, contractors and project managers. "There's a lot of different markets that Tekla Structures is used in currently and it's expanding all the time but essentially, it's for those of you who want to do your modelling, your detailing and then your drawing production and all of the manufacturing information that comes with that."

What does it do?

Tekla Structures is a powerful structural BIM software, it enables you to create, combine, manage and share information-rich accurate 3D models.

"Tekla Structures can be used by anyone really, anyone involved in the project who's going to get value from the 3D detailed model. So it could be someone who just wants to view the model, it could be someone who just wants to do an estimate model. I guess the main breadth is detailers, they would use Tekla Structures for producing a model, and from there they'd create detailed components, such as connections, rebar, things like that.

Getting that information down into 2D is the next stage, that would be your general arrangement drawings, fabrication drawings; all that information is automatically generated from the model. Another step would be generating any manufacturing information; that could be NC files, rebar bending schedules and files. Once you've got that 3D model there's so much more you can do with it. Rather than keeping it siloed within your company, you can share it out to the architects, engineers, anyone who's involved in the project can get the benefit of that fully detailed model."

Why would I use Tekla Structures?

"From my personal experience, moving from that 2D environment, from 2D drawings to a 3D modelling environment, it's transformational for anyone who's using it. You use Tekla Structures to design as you would fabricate, or design as you would build. As you are building the model you get an understanding of it, you can rotate around and get a real feel for what you build. As you work you collaborate with everyone, everyone can view the model and make comments. That collaboration within the 3D model, it's invaluable! Everyone is on the same page as the model is being created.

Once you're ready you can automatically generate drawings, the stuff that you spend hours and hours doing in the 2D environment can be done in minutes. The manufacturing information; NC files for CNC, you can't get that from a 2D environment, here it's all just generated automatically. That's the biggest benefit that I see personally in using Tekla Structures and for anyone who's looking to get involved with the trial."

Estimation and bidding

In Tekla Structures you can generate accurate quantity take-offs and quotations based on the 3D model, including all materials, time and costs.

"We see Tekla Structures used extensively in the estimation and bidding stage. You can take 2D information from architects or 3D information from the likes of Revit as an architectural package, convert that into IFC and then you've got your bill of materials ready to go. That can be done in a matter of minutes.

All the information is within the model, you can obtain the linear weights of your material, and get an idea of the lengths that you'd need to cut, so you can really do your forward planning at an early stage and get everyone on board early. If you share that out through Trimble Connect, then you can get people commenting on the 3D model at that early stage as well."

Project planning and execution

Tekla Structures enables you to coordinate all disciplines, resolve conflicts and plan the project before construction begins. You can generate plans, reports and drawings directly from the 3D model, and utilise object data and location information to plan erection sequences, crane locations and resources. It is also possible to add scheduling and sequence information to the model.

"So we see Tekla Structures used in the project planning execution stage quite extensively. Using the 3D model you can actually plan for things like lifting. If you've got a really heavy object or really awkward object that needs to be lifted, let's say in a city centre, then you're going to need a really solid lifting plan because you're going to have road closures, things like that. You're going to have to understand where your craneage is. Tekla Structures enables you to put all that within the model and plan for lifting.

In offsite construction we see the use of sequences, you can put your sequencing within Tekla Structures and do your planning from there. You can also plan for your production and plan for erection on site. Everything's in there as tools within the software that you can use."

Design, detailing and fabrication

"Tekla Structures is a great tool for design and detailing, we interface with a lot of different analysis software, the main one being Tekla Structural Designer which of course is part of the Tekla portfolio. Once you've got a model with your steel sections designed, you can then start doing your detailing, so you would add your connection details, any kind of simple connections, moment connections, they can all be done within the software. You can also create custom components if you want to start automating the connections and designing your own connections within the system as well.

The detailing stage is where Tekla Structures really comes into its own, because you can start generating the fabrication drawings in minutes. They're all done automatically. The drawings use templates which you can customise to your own company standards. We supply default versions you can use which are really good as well.

You would use Tekla Structures for design and detailing for any kind of project that you're involved with whether that's steel, concrete, timber, light metal framing, offsite volumetric. The main benefit is the level of detail that you can get, whether that's connections, rebar, embeds, anything like that, you can get it all in the one model and you can see how they all interface with each other as well.

You can perform clash-checking, and produce an advanced bill of materials on things such as bolts, plates, embeds, rebar; all that can be pulled from the model at an early stage and then sent in to manufacture.

The output you can get from Tekla Structures is pretty extensive. You can do CNC output; so that could be saw drill lines, CNC machines for plates. If you're doing precast or rebar, you can get all of your bar bending information from the model as well. You can even go as far as actually putting layout points in the model and exporting them out to real-life coordinates on site."

Learn more about Tekla Structures on our website

What features does Tekla Structures have?

Tekla Structures is a flexible software for all types of projects. It enables you to speed up your work with an extensive library of standard connections for different types of projects. You can create a detailed, constructible 3D model of any size structure, from small secondary steelwork to skyscrapers.

"The main feature of Tekla Structures is the ability to model any kind of material. So whether that's steel, concrete, timber, light metal framing, you can do it all within the one system. It's really good if you need to do an integrated model or hybrid type of model, you've got all the materials available in the software."

Up-to-date drawings

From Tekla Structures, you can generate general arrangement drawings, single-part drawings, assembly drawings, cast unit drawings, and multidrawings. Tekla Structures drawings are always up to date.

"When it comes to the 2D drawings having that 2D information and being able to generate it quickly is really important. The drawings are all automatic, they all link back to the model. Any updates in the model and the drawings automatically update in the background."

API and collaboration

Components are tools that you can use to connect parts in the model. Tekla Structures contains a wide range of predefined system components by default. However, you can define customised connections, parts, seams, and details for your project. These are called custom components.

Using the Tekla Open API, you can develop your own applications and additional features for Tekla Structures, these are referred to as extensions. Alternatively, you can download extensions created by others from Tekla Warehouse.

"There is a catalogue of standard components within the software that can be used in all of your day-to-day detailing. You also have the flexibility through custom components and API to start generating your own company specific components.

And we can't forget the fully detailed model and our ability to collaborate with it. Sending the model out to all stakeholders so they can get involved with its development at an early stage and comment on it as things progress.

When you create a Tekla Structures project you also create a Trimble Connect project in the background. In Tekla Structures you'll find a tab named Trimble Connect, once you've got your model, no matter what stage of detail it's at, you can upload it to Trimble Connect. Anyone who's involved in that project can then come in and view that iteration of the model, and whenever you're ready to update it, you just upload the model again and then the latest iteration will become available for people to see. It's a really slick interface."

Any size structure

"Another key benefit of Tekla Structures is the ability to model any size structure. We see it used for really small secondary steelwork, stairs, handrails, things like that, right up to skyscraper level buildings. So it's versatile enough that it can be used on any sized project no matter what."

Why does Tekla Tedds integrate with Tekla Structures?

"One of our main focuses in the last couple of years has been to enable our customers to use more of our software in conjunction with each other."

Tekla Tedds Integrator allows you to link Tekla Tedds calculation documents to your Tekla Structures model. You can link existing documents or create new documents, which you or other Tekla Structures users can then easily modify or review during your BIM workflow. The integration reduces the amount of manual work that the detailer or engineer has to undertake in Tekla Structures thus improving productivity.

"We've created the integrator tool between Tekla Tedds and Tekla Structures to enable Tekla Structures users to send information and any components that they have within their Tekla Structures model into Tekla Tedds to perform the design. You can then send that information back into Tekla Structures and embed the calculation in the file for use further down the line in the project."

To find out more, see: Tekla Tedds Integrator user guide

Why does Tekla Structural Designer integrate with Tekla Structures?

Tekla Structural Designer is a model-based 3D tool for analysis and design of both concrete and steel members in multi-material structures. The integration between Tekla Structural Designer and Tekla Structures allows you to link the theoretical analysis and design model to the constructible model.

"Tekla Structures integrates with Tekla Structural Designer, you can start a model in Tekla Structural Designer, get your design correct and then once you're ready to push that through, it's a direct transfer to Tekla Structures. From there you can do your detailed design, that'll be adding things like your rebar, steel connections, precast design, anything you want to do to take that model further into that detail and manufacturing stage."

You are able to seamlessly transfer 3D models and design intent data to Tekla Structures, the information transferred is the physical information associated with the structure such as geometry, section sizes and grade as well as attributed data.

The import process is very fast and accurate, generating a Tekla Structures model with all elements and profiles that are contained within the Tekla Structural Designer model. Once in Tekla Structures an accurate detailed structural model can be produced, along with drawings and material lists.

The initial model can be started in either Tekla Structures or Tekla Structural Designer, depending on the project needs. You can import and export many times, and make use of the effective change management functionality.

About the trial

"There's no part limitations within the trial for Tekla Structures. You can create a fully developed model without having to worry about any kind of limitations.

There are some limitations however, the main one being on the manufacturing information side. You can detail and create drawings within the model but you can't actually print those drawings off or send them out. The other limitation is that you can't generate CNC information from the model, for instance NC files. But if you opt to subscribe to the commercial version, once purchased, you will be able to open your trial model and it will then allow you to generate that kind of information.

The Tekla Structures trial lasts for 30 days, once you've activated it. When you activate the trial make sure that if you're in the UK, you select 'Tekla Structures Trial UK', that will bring in the UK environment for all of the templates and attributes associated with the UK."

How easy is it to learn Tekla Structures?

"When it comes to learning material, you've got a few options available. On Trimble Learn, our online training platform, you'll find the First Steps tutorial for Tekla Structures. In fact, when you open the software, you should see a notification prompting you to view the tutorial. The other thing you've got that's built into the software is the Instructor pane. If you hover over an object on the ribbon the Instructor pane will assist you by giving you a step-by-step guide on what to do with that function. Another thing to look out for is along the bottom ribbon of the software, you get guidance there as well, it tells you where to click and what the sequence needs to be. So keep an eye out for that!"

The eLearning for Tekla Structures is free. You can register for it with your Trimble ID, it'll help get you started straight away with the trial. If you do want to progress further with the licence and with training, then you have options available for what we call the intermediate training. This is a training course that we host either in-person or online and details can be sent out if you need more information on that further down the line."

What is Tekla User Assistance?

This is the central location for you to receive help and support for using Tekla products.

"Tekla User Assistance is a resource that we provide and in there you'll find answers to most questions that you have in regards to the software. You put a search term in there and Tekla User Assistance will pop up some suggestions and you should be able to find the answer to most questions within that resource."

Visit Tekla User Assistance

About the Tekla Structures subscription

"There are three products in the subscription, you've got your Tekla Structures licence, Tekla model sharing and Trimble Connect Business Premium.

Tekla Structures has three different configurations or subscription plans. There's the Carbon licence, this is essentially a viewing licence and is for anyone who would like to collaborate on a project. Typically it's a project manager or someone like that, who really needs access to the model to be able to view it, to view drawings, to check dimensions on drawings or just to print drawings.

You've got the Graphite licence which is a mid-function licence for if you want to create things like engineering models or estimate models. You could create essentially a stick model of a structure and then from there create things like general arrangement drawings, some kind of building materials can be pulled from there as well.

And then the other configuration is your Diamond licence, so that's the full detailing licence. So that would be for anyone who's looking to create a fully detailed model including all of the manufacturing information such as drawings, machinery information, such as CNC, rebar bending. To then send that into a manufacturing environment.

The diamond package allows you to do everything that the carbon and the graphite would do. So it means that you're covered for all bases. Whether you want to view a model, create an estimate model or fully detailed model, you can do all that within the diamond package. It also gives you the ability to create fabrication level drawings, fabrication level information and share all that information out."

Learn more about Tekla Structures subscriptions

What is Tekla Model Sharing?

With Tekla Model Sharing a team can work efficiently within one model regardless of location and time zones. Team members can work both simultaneously and at different times. Each user has a local version of the model on their computer. The model data is shared and synchronised over the Internet, and stored to a cloud-based Tekla Model Sharing service. It is possible for team members to work offline as an Internet connection is only needed when sharing the model changes.

"Tekla Model Sharing is a cloud platform that we provide where you can host your models. With Tekla Model Sharing you can actually work with other Tekla users on the same project whether that's in-house or externally. You have the option to do that."

What is Trimble Connect Business Premium?

"Trimble Connect Business Premium is a collaboration tool, it enables you to send data files between each of the stakeholders. You can access and view different models, whether that be Tekla Structural Designer, Tekla Structures or Revit files, and you are able to actually look at that data and interrogate the models. You can send information to site should you need to, to other users of Trimble Connect, who can access it through their phones, tablets and laptops. It enables you to share data as effectively as possible between multiple stakeholders." Jamie Howarth

Learn more about Trimble Connect Business Premium on our website

Watch the video blog