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Getting Real: Is Project Management Software Worth It?

What’s driving YOUR need for change? Outdated Software? PM software no longer effective?  Company Growth? 

In today's fast-paced digital world, having knowledge of project management software is essential for success, especially in the construction industry. Whether you are an IT  professional, a project manager, or a CFO, understanding project management software and its applications can be critical to your company’s success.

Selecting a new, or upgrading your existing PM solution, means undertaking a change management initiative—and adopting the right PM software that can deliver a scalable, connected technology stack can be crucial to your company’s financial success.

Our panel of industry experts from RSM US, Palmer Consulting Group, and Trimble Construction discuss how not all PM software solutions are created equal and provide you with valuable insight on what to look for, questions to ask, and key areas to focus on when selecting a new, modern PM solution. 

No sales pitch. No demos. Just expert advice.

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