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Top 5 Features of an Access Control System

When choosing a jobsite access control system, it’s essential to consider which qualities make the most sense for your project, clients and team. Not all jobsite access control systems are created equal, and knowing your priorities when embarking on your research journey will help you find the right system, at the right budget, for you.

While system needs can vary across projects, some missing features are deal-breakers. Let’s look at five of the most important features of a jobsite access control system.


Authorized Entry

Authorized entry features allow you to control who gets in – and when. This seems like an obvious necessity when considering an access control system, but the method by which the system accomplishes access control is what can set it apart.

A basic access control system should allow you to set up conditions for entry and to customize entry to prevent access. A great access control system doesn’t just allow you to set up these conditions and edit them later, but will also send you notifications when unauthorized entry has occurred and allow you to change access settings in real time to prevent further infiltration. In addition, this functionality should be cloud based, so you don’t have to be on site to have insight.


Labor Management

The right access control system should allow you to see that your crew and contractors are where they’re supposed to be, when they’re supposed to be there. A system that includes labor management makes life easier for Project Managers by automating the process of logging labor hours and creating a safer jobsite: In the event of an emergency, you can rest assured that every member of your crew has safely evacuated, and get immediate help – with mapped coordinates – for anyone who may be trapped.


Jobsite Security

While access control is, first and foremost, a safety concern, it also can help reduce on-site equipment theft. Particularly after hours, construction jobsites are often left vulnerable to curious locals or thieves if the site isn’t protected by a security system. Since a strong access control system will take the majority of the administrative burden off managing your jobsite, you can allow your in-person security team to focus on typically neglected areas where theft can also occur, like the jobsite perimeter or parking facilities.


Health, Safety, and Compliance

Jobsite compliance can be an implementation nightmare. Whether you have a huge team or a small project, making sure that your jobsite is compliant with OSHA’s health and safety regulations can seem like an impossible task without the help of a full-time administrator. Luckily, a good access control system can help streamline this process, acting as an epicenter of information regarding regulations and licenses.

For example, a jobsite access control system with compliance features can be set up to push notifications about upcoming license expirations for any employee or contractor on the project. This kind of technology can also be incredibly helpful in notifying workers about upcoming OSHA trainings or communicating the discovery of hazardous materials on site.



The same way a good access control system can automate processes with existing employees, so, too, can it simplify the onboarding process. A good access control system that provides training can ensure that new workers get access to the exact same programs, in a cloud-based format, on their own time.

Additional language options allow workers to choose the format that is best for them, eliminating communication challenges through the onboarding process. Monitoring this process virtually also allows you to see who has completed their training and is ready to go.

The benefits of installing a jobsite access control system are myriad. A system that can manage entry, safety, labor and training, compliance and theft will allow you to focus on the big picture and best support your project and crew. Choosing the right jobsite access control system can be overwhelming, but keeping these essential features in mind will lead you to a choice that eliminates risks, keeps your workers safe and promotes project success.


Construction Access Control