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One Click LCA within Tekla Structural Designer

The impact of embodied carbon within the construction industry is an issue that has grown to be of great concern and more often now engineers are being requested to assess and consider the Building Carbon Footprint of their projects. An exciting and powerful new feature is now available to assist within Tekla Structural Designer. The engineer can now easily create a report of the project materials to quickly determine its embodied carbon using One Click LCA. As shown in the video above, a new button for this has been added to the BIM Integration ribbon. This automatically compiles a summary of materials in the project which can then either be uploaded to One Click LCA or viewed directly.

When the One Click LCA export button is selected, a Report options dialog is displayed. Users are able to view the report directly as an Excel (*.xlsx) file, which can then be easily shared with any other parties. Alternatively, users can send the data directly to One Click LCA cloud by logging in. See the short video above to see the process in action and visit the One Click LCA website for further information on using One Click LCA.