Start learning with free interactive eLearning courses

Tekla Structures Steel Fundamentals
Tekla Structures Steel Fundamentals Learning path consists of interactive learning course, and modeling assignment and test. After completing the learning path, you will receive a certificate.
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First steps in Tekla Structural Designer
Free interactive eLearning course for new users consists of a series of modules showing you the essentials for working with Tekla Structural Designer.
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First steps in Tekla Tedds
Free interactive eLearning course for new users teaches you the essentials for working with Tekla Tedds.
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Tekla Structural Designer Fundamentals
Free interactive eLearning course. Learn how to model, analyse and design steel and concrete buildings effectively using Tekla Structural Designer. Upon successful completion of this course, you will receive a digital credential.
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Tekla Structures for Light Metal Framing
Free interactive eLearning course for Light Metal Framing detailers who want to utilise the Framing tools extension. Learn how to use each component to create and detail basic building elements. Upon successful completion, you will receive a digital credential.
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Footfall Assessment in Tekla Structural Designer
Free interactive eLearning course. Learn how to perform Footfall assessment in Tekla Structural Designer, using the SCI design guide P354. An optional assessment simulation is available that, upon completion, unlocks a digital credential.
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